What Is It And How Does It Work?
Hydronic heating supplied and fitted by banboy can provide you and your family with the most comfortable heating system available. The installation of Hydronic
heating does not involve the need to force hot air and dust throughout
your home in the fashion of space heaters, air conditioners, and ducted systems. Hydronic heating disperses warm air through convection and panel radiation, softly and promptly, instead of using the mechanical, forced air process. This provides a cleaner and healthier environment in which to live or work.
Asthma and allergy sufferers will certainly
benefit from a heating system that does not move large volumes of air
and dust which may provoke an asthma attack at any time.
Modern hydronic heating boilers are highly efficient natural or LP gas.
Water is heated by these units and circulated
through pipe work connecting panels, installed throughout your home or
office. The heat is transferred from each of these panels (radiators or
convectors) by natural convection and radiated heat. The panels are sized
accordingly, to achieve consistent temperature throughout the building, at the level required.

or slab heating can also be installed via hydronically heated floor
coils. Temperatures in each area, or room, throughout the home or office,
can be controlled individually if required, or by a centrally located
programmable room thermostat.
Hydronic heating in your home or
office can be easily controlled and delivered where and when you require
it. The operating cost savings when using a hydronic heating system
is an added advantage.
Home heating the way nature meant it to be.
Comfortable, Quiet, Cosy.